Thursday, October 6, 2016

The One Single Story

The publishing industry produces numerous books of “Bible Stories” for children. A glance at the inventory of any bookseller will reveal titles like Bedtime Bible Stories and Illustrated Family Bible Stories.

As pleasant and well-intentioned as such volumes may be, there is a particular danger in their approach to Scripture.

By presenting the text as a collection of discrete and independent narratives, which can be read in isolation from each other, and in any order, the grand narrative of the Heilsgeschichte can get lost.

There is no such thing as One Hundred and One Favorite Bible Stories, such titles notwithstanding. There is one story, told over the course of 66 different books. One goal of discipleship is to see that story as a whole, not as bits and pieces.

One continuous story, from Genesis to Revelation, permeates the Scripture.

We can lose sight of the “big picture” of God’s work in history, if we become too enmeshed in the “little picture” of the “stories” in the Bible.

Taking care not to get lost in the details of the story, we must hang on to the point of the story.

All the subplots in Scripture must be viewed in their context within the one overarching plot of the Scripture.

There is one story: God created (Genesis 1 and 2), creation fell (Genesis 3 through 11), and God saved His creation (Genesis 12 through Revelation 22).